

Creating products based on the know-how we have built over time as well as the latest technology

Rather than simply manufacturing products, we consider safe and reliable quality, and strive to make products that are rich in functionality.
We work on developing new products while applying the great deal of experience and know-how that we have obtained from creating products up to the present.

Information on the technology and ingredients that are used for our products

Skin permeation technology EPOCI

An abbreviation of Effective Penetration Of the Chosen Ingredient

We develop technology that increases the permeation of cosmetics, health foods, and other products by converting the useful ingredients to nanoparticles. We practically apply our proprietary permeation technology to cosmetics, health foods, and other products.

Special features of EPOCI

This technology places water soluble useful ingredients (such as vitamin C and hyaluronic acid) in a coating of oil and evaporates the water soluble useful ingredients (thereby making the size smaller) so that they can more easily permeate into the skin.

Moisture nanotechnology

What are nanoparticles of moisture?

Refers to when the three phases of the emulsification are present respectively in independent phases.
1. Water 2. Nanoparticles of moisture 3. Oil
There is no need for a surfactant, which is required with conventional technologies to bind the oil and water.

Emulsification method
that uses physical active capacity (van der Waals attraction) instead of a surfactant

In the case of surfactant emulsification, the surfactant is reverse absorbed through chemical action, and emulsification happen through a change to the properties of the surface boundary. Moisture nanotechnology is an emulsification technology that uses the irreversible adhesion which occurs through the physical effect of the affinity between nanoparticles and a drop of oil (van der Waals attraction).

Moist Lamella Capsule

Moist Lamella Capsule is a moisturizing capsule that uses moisture technology.
The product has a lamella structure that is the same as skin structure. The addition of it greatly increases the sensation of moisture on the skin.


Featured ingredient OPC
(oligomeric proanthocyanidins)

This composition laces together from two to four catechins, a type of polyphenol. We believe this is related to the various types of functionalities that flavangenol® displays.

flavangenol® is a functional ingredient that originates from plants. It is extracted, using the manufacturer’s proprietary method, from the bark of costal pines that are planted and cultivated in the Landes area in the southwestern region of France which faces the Atlantic Ocean.

The costal pines of this area are grown in strong sunlight and a southern wind that continues nearly all year long, causing them to grow extremely thick bark to protect themselves from sunlight and oxidization.